
Monday, September 26, 2016

Guest Bloggers of the week 9/23/16

  Hello, this is Michael and Erica, guest bloggers of the week. This week was a good week. First of all, we decorated signs for the book fair. The theme was pirates, so we drew the Pittsburgh Pirates logo. So we will be the class with the most book spirit. Today we ventured down to Ms. DeMarco's class to learn more about their science project. Erica did a slight interview:

Erica: So, I came for an interview. What exactly are you doing here?

Ms. DeMarco: We are doing "ecosystems to observe how producers and consumers interact."

Erica: What are your thoughts on this project?

Grace: I think it's going well, I like my part.

Jenna: It's really fun to make a plant grow in a bottle because I've never done it before.

Naysa: It's fun and we can learn about plants and other things.  

We also continued reading our reading our readers workshop books. You are about to hear about one of our classmates reading workshop books.

Did you know that next week is Spirit Week? Well if you didn't here are some IMPORTANT dates to know about.

Monday September 26th - Make a new friend day

Tuesday September 27th - Talk or dress like a pirate day

Wednesday September 28th -Dress for Success Day

Thursday September 29th -  Super Fan Day

Friday - September 30th - Fitness day

The book fair is next week and the theme is pirates. Each class will go down a select books if they have money. To keep the theme of pirates all of us drew The Pittsburgh Pirates P. We copied them off of the internet and they will go on our door.

We have a school store that opened up! When you go to the library, you buy things, like Smencils and Smickers. Everything's at least one dollar. So if you go to Grant than bring money for the store BUT MAKE SURE TO HAVE A NOTE FROM YOUR PARENTS!!!

Recently our teacher, Mr. McGuan, put up these signs that said Be the ball and Ever tried, ever failed, no matter, fail again, fail, batter. Some kids have had trouble finding the meaning of these quotes. Be the ball is supposed to mean to always move forward and the fail better one means that you will never stop failing but fail better or don't fail in the same way. So for any confused kid that is what they mean.

Jump Rope For Heart is coming really soon. We had an assembly talking about it today and we found out who the awards will be. There is a penguin, an elephant, a monkey, a Panda, a zebra, and a lion.
You can win them by raising money both online and off. Then the top three fundraisers will get to pie a teacher in the face. SO if you want that type of reward, or to save someones life you should start donating.

This weekend, the Fitness Fits Everyone day is at Lakewood Park at 1:00 on Saturday. If you go you will get a chance to dunk Mrs. Turner. That is at 2:00 but you would need to bring money. There will be lots of more activities for you to do. So make sure to be there.

Thank you for seeing the guest bloggers of the week. Check out Michael and Erica's blogs and have a good weekend!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Guest Blog of the Week 9/16/16

Hi, the guest bloggers this week are Edie and Bodhi.  Today we are going to be doing updates of our classroom and well as interviews. This week was a pretty normal week. We did our Readers Workshop Roles along with Khan Academy and Reading. I think the most exiting thing that we did this week in our opinion was making posters about William Carlos Williams, they were called "This is just to say", "The red wheelbarrow, but lets see what the class thinks.  Here is an interview with Caitlin:

Edie: Was this week a challenging week work wise?

Caitlin: Kind of. The only hard part was making the posters look like the scenes for our poem project look like the poems of Williams Carlos Williams. (This Is Just To Say and The Red Wheel Barrow)

Edie: What did you enjoy most this week?

Caitlin: Picking out library books because there's such a wide variety of books to chose from.

Edie: Can you give us the number of books in our Classroom Library?

Caitlin: 490

Edie: Wow that's a lot.  Now, what book (that you are reading) do you really recommend?

Caitlin: The Johnny Dixon Mysteries because it is kind of like Harry Potter. They are like Harry Potter because there is a lot of magic involved. 

Edie: Thank you, Caitlin, for this interview. Up next we have an interview with Jonathan.

Edie: Hi Jonathan. How do you like Mr. McGuan's class so far?

Jonathan: It's a bit challenging, but mostly fun!

Edie: Can you tell me some of the challenging parts?

Jonathan: He expects a lot from us because he wants us to do our best. 

Edie: Finally, what's your favorite thing about Mr. McGuan's class?

Jonathan: He let's us do creative projects.

Edie: Thank you, Jonathan, for doing an interview with me. 

After getting an update from students, we'll move over to pictures. 

Here is a picture of Edie with her "This Is Just To Say and The Red Wheel Barrow" Project

Here is a picture of Mrs. Holland teaching her class and Mr. McGuan's class about making book reviews.

This is a picture of our classes working on book reviews.

Thank you bloggers for seeing our guest blog of the week and I hoped you liked Edie and Bodhi's blog. : )

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hi my name is Jana and I am a student for McGuan Goes Grant. My blog is Jana's Journey Through Fifth Grade. And this week in the classroom we read Black Beauty which in my opinion is a very good book because there is so much feeling and meaning to it one example of feeling is when Ginger is telling her story. We also focused on Readers Workshop roles, and our blobs, which are blobs we drew, made them something and then made a story about them. This week we read our stories to our partners, other people in our class. We're doing the Blob to write a story that is 100% us and make a moral to it.

This is a picture of my blob:

Now I'm going to interview one of my classmates, Edie B. Edie will be bright green and I'm this color

Q: How do you like Mr. McGuan so far

A: He had been a great teacher so far. He let's us do almost everything independently and has a lot of trust in us when we work. 

Q: Do trust yourself as much as Mr. McGuan trusts you?

A: Not all the way. I think I some times get a bit distracted, but trusting myself is the whole point of being in Mr. McGuan's class. He wants us to really be FREE when we are learning, but mostly, he wants us to be ourselves. 

Q: That's great. Now my final question is, why do you think he had us to do the assignments we did?

A: First of all, to get the idea, he gave us a lot of out-of-the-box assignments. I think he wanted us to do them because you don't do these kind of assignments in regular school. Also, all these assignments he told us to do consisted a part of us in them.

Thanks Edie. Well that's all for this post and back to McGuan Goes Grant

Friday, September 2, 2016

         Hi I'm Jonathan and my class and I had a great week in school. We worked on assignments like Golden Boy/Golden Girl, which was about our favorite t-shirt. We also worked on stories about blobs, we created the blobs by drawing a outline on a piece of paper and coloring it in, as what we thought it was. We also did two roles for a book that we read, and we could choose the book.
        We will ask some classmates their opinion about the week.
Michael: There was a lot of assignment but I finished all of them and it was very efficient.
Bodhi: I liked the assignments because they are creative and the students and the teacher can see how creative the students are.
        So the students can agree that it was a very good week at Grant.

Friday, August 26, 2016